Howdy Bob,

Looking for own ship N number in the data stream makes some sense. Then, I assume, the EFIS is supposed to scrub own ship out of what it displays, though it doesn't always seem to. I sometimes get an audible traffic warning and see my N number displayed.

I'm using the 470, UAT (978) only ADS-B in device. I'm getting lots of in data as shown on my "about, wx" page including, so it says, TIS-B targets. Having traffic displayed is great. It points out where to look. I just don't know that I'm getting all the traffic that should show. I'd have thunk it would have displayed the Gulfstream as he was surely showing on ATC radar. He was about 7 miles out on the ILS. No way I'd see him without the TIS-B though. Even if he is ADS-B out equipped, he'd be on the 1090 frequency. Still have to keep your eyes outside. Don't want to become so dependent on the display that you forget to look.
