Hi - N413BS has a touch 5600 (left), touch 5500 (center), and nontouch 5600 (right). On May 4, I flew KTMB to KTPF and then a return flight to KTMB. The plane had been sitting in the hot sun for approx 5 hours at KTPF. During the runup at KTPF, the nontouch 5600 shutdown and did not immediately reboot. I shut down the plane and the master batt and then restarted. The nontouch came back on fine until top-of-climb at 9000 ft when it shutdown again. It took approx 5-10 mins for it to reboot. The rest of the flight was uneventful. Here is a link to the system and Last 5hrs logs from all of the screens - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AMs...usp=share_link . Is there anything you see here to explain the behavior? I just did a 45 min test flight today (May 9) at low altitudes and the screens were fine. Thanks.