While flying the weekend in extremely calm conditions, I noticed a few things I haven't seen before.

1. The flight director seemed to be in a constant flutter state. The ALT ribbon seem to flicker a bit too, but it didn't travel enough to cause an altitude reading change. Every once in awhile we could see the nose going slightly up and down. Is this an indication that I need to lower the ALT GAIN setting slightly? If so, what increments would you recommend lowering it by? I'm currently set to all the defaults (5 for ALT GAIN) in the manual for both the EFIS and AP.

2. I just received my Navworx ADS600-B back from a board update and firmware to 4.0.9. Several times I have a traffic object appear that had a yellow bordered square appear around a normal traffic data block. What does the yellow bordered square mean? The manual mentions diamonds and circles, but not squares.

