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Thread: ICAO MAPs on AF-4500

  1. #1

    ICAO MAPs on AF-4500

    Hello Rob,

    I wanted to bring up this topic here in the forum as well. I would love to have the Swiss ICAO map on the EFIS display as the existing AFS map doesn't really help for VFR flights. As other iPad based systems can use the ICAO maps like AirNavigationPro and others it obviously is possible.
    I guess it is a bitmap based map.
    Rob you said you require a db with roads etc which I don't understand why this would be required.
    What format of the map would you require, is my bitmap assumption correct?

    I guess if more people from Europe would show interest in ICAO maps on the AFS we should have a chance to make it happen.


  2. #2
    The AF-4500 does not have the CPU or memory to handle it. The AF-5000 system uses tiled *.png files to display scanned charts, we are working on a solution for Europe.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  3. #3
    Michael, are you using the Pocket FMS database?

  4. #4
    Hi Peter,

    no I don't I wasn't aware that the map feature for PFMS is already available. I thought it is still in testing phase. Am I wrong?

  5. #5

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