I have a pair of 4500s running 08.08.12mv16 with a VP/X Pro running 1.6.0.
I'm experiencing two configuration issues.
1. I can see both the aileron and elevator trim position on the EFIS, which confirms that at least the VP/X and 4500 is communicating. However, no flap position is being display. I also can see all the other VP/X status information on the Check page. The POS-12 is generating appropriate position data, since I can see it in the VP/X configurator. Am I missing something in the configuration of the EFIS?
2. The aileron trim position on the EFIS is only showing movement from the center position to the left. There is no indication of the trim moving right of center. I'm assuming something may be fubar in the the position settings for the servos, but not sure what at this point in time.