Any estimates on the arrival of a software update and what is in it?
Still looking for the data capture interval fix - but hoping for a couple of new features.....
Any estimates on the arrival of a software update and what is in it?
Still looking for the data capture interval fix - but hoping for a couple of new features.....
Currently on 8.8.12MV16.
new style flight mode annunciator / flight director is what i'm mainly missing currently.
and as an idea, the only 4 things i'm writing down after every flight needing paper could also easily be put on a flight debrief page.
e.g. after every flight we go to the check->maint->admin->datalogs->start to save the last flight record to sd card. on this page would be really interesting to have the efis write down the following times:
- off block time (when the aircraft moves under own power for the first time)
- takeoff01-takeoff99 with a timestamp, anytime the airspeed moves past a certain threshold and in more or less level "flight"/ground run
- landing01-landing99 with a timestamp, detect landing based on passing a certain airspeed threshold from above while in more or less level "flight" and at more or less terrain elevation
- on block time, the last time when the aircraft moved while the engine was running.
this would be a very convenient timekeeper aid.
Off Block: 13:24:23Z
TO 1: 13:28:33Z
LDG 1: 13:55:20Z
00h 27m True Flight Time
TO 2: 14:01:00Z
LDG 2: 14:10:20Z
00h 09m True Flight Time
TO 3...:
LDG 3...:
00h 00m True and so forth
On Block: 14:15:13Z
Total Block Time: 00h 51m
Total True Time: 00h 36m
0-99 Landings
Do you want to save the datalog / YES
that would then save the efis datalog, this information above in text format and a google earth trackfile as well (like the excel sheet that sprung from someone in the community does)
the current wording and menu tree for the data log save is less than ideal for a routine action.
and this timekeeping tab/notepad page could be a very nice enhancement. possibly also storing the airports/locations in case you do touch and goes on various airports.
Saving the take off and landing time would be a great feature!!
I use a Garmin GPS 496 and the only reason I take it home is to save the times.
As the 496 cannot display the take off and landing time on the screen, I have
to take it home and connect it to the Computer.
For my flight book the minimum information I would need is: Icao code of airport, and take off time and same for landing and flight time
take off: LOIJ 10:23
landing: EDMS 10:53
flight time 00:30h
As I save the datalog after every flight, a easier menu tree would be appreciated. My father has troubles finding the datalog start.
I save these logs then to Savvy Analysis, there I get a nice map as well:
Any estimate on upgrading the 4500 software like the 5000 models?
Will the software upgrade continue or with the Dynon purchase will the 4500 product line die out?
We will continue to support the AF-4500 and are working on a maintenance software update. New feature development will only be for the AF-5000 systems.
Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
from your post on the "wish list" thread:
1. Software to control the AF-Pilot from the EFIS screen with AP Engage and AP Disengage audio alerts.
2. AP/FD mode display similar to the AF-5000
3. Change FLARM interface from Garmin TIS to dedicated FLARM format.
4. Better handling for non unique Map identifiers
5. Larger Vertical speed tape
Are these the things that will be included in the maintenance software update?