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Thread: Power FLARM Interface

  1. #1

    Power FLARM Interface

    Has any progress been made on connecting Power FLARM to the AF 4000 series? It seems like an interesting, affordable collision avoidance system with ADSB capability. I find it most attractive as the unit is mounted behind the panel and uses various technologies to locate other aircraft. It would be my system of choice if it would work with my AF 4500 EE.

  2. #2
    It is our understanding that the FLARM will output traffic in the standard Garmin TIS format and the EFIS will display it. We could never got FLARM to send us a unit to verify that it will work.

    There are a number of traffic devices that output the Garmin TIS format that have been tested with the EFIS (ZAON, NAVWORX, GDL39, GTX330, TRIG TT22).
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  3. #3
    I got following Mail from Butterfly (Powerflarm) in december 2012
    Via TIS protocol you could see Flarm and ADSB Targets.
    By now also undirected Transponder Targets should be displayed. Just wrote them a mail to check.
    In April at the AERO exhibition we will know the truth ;-)
    The Powerflarm Core will be the perfect unit and my system of choice!
    There is also an US version of the Powerflarm available.



    vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht!

    >>Mir wurde gesagt, dass beim Garmin-TIS Protokoll nicht alle 3 Datenquellen (Flarm, ADSB, Transponder)gleichzeitig angezeigt
    werden können. (Nur Flarm und ADSB würden angezeigt)
    ...Genau, allerdings wird sich das in den nächsten Wochen ändern. Ich schätze das in spätestens 8 Wochen auch die ungerichtete Transponderwarnung dargestellt wird.

    >> Gibt es Unterschiede in der Traffic Darstellung mit einem Butterfly Display (Flarm Protokoll) und EFIS mit TIS Protokoll?
    ...Wir (Butterfly) benutzen Pfleile und Garmin hat Rauten. Ansonsten ist die Darstellung sehr ähnlich.

    >> Die Firma Advanced könnte auch ihre EFIS Software modifizieren um das Flarm Protokoll zu verarbeiten.
    Dazu würden sie aber Test Daten und ein Testgerät brauchen.
    ...Wir setzen und mit der Firma in Verbindung, vielen Dank.

    Für eventuelle Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

    Mit besten Fliegergrüßen,
    Joachim Fetzer
    Lancair 390 OE-CCM
    AFS 4500EEA - AFS Pilot
    Austria / Europe

  4. #4
    Danke schön Christian.

    I did speak to the guys at Butterfly today and they confirmed what you said. It was also said that if Advanced used the FLARM protocol, more information could be displayed. He did mention that AFS would have to deal with FLARM in Switzerland as he is not authorised to deal directly with AFS. Additionally, it was said that the Swiss guys are known to be notoriously slow in responding and if this is the case, we should contact him at Butterfly and he will give his Swiss colleagues a friendly "nudge" to speed things up.

    Maybe we should get on to his case!

  5. #5
    On the Powerflarm Website:

    Garmin RS232c TIS Interface:

    Garmin aera 795 + 796:
    Garmin aera 500 + 550:
    Garmin GPSMAP 495 + 496:
    Garmin GPSMAP 695 + 696:
    Garmin G3X: Für entsprechende Verbindungskabel wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Avioniker.
    Garmin GNS 430/530 + G1000: Der Anschluss eines PowerFLARMs ist leider nicht möglich. Hier empfehlen wir ein TRX-1500A von Garrecht Avionik. Das TRX-1500A ist zusätzlich mit einer ARINC-429 Schnittstelle ausgerüstet und somit anschlußkompatibel zu Displaysystemen mit ARINC-429 Schnittstelle, wie z.B. GNS 430/530 oder auch G1000. Allerdings ist es fragwürdig ob man ein TRX-1500A an ein IFR zugelassenes Gerät anschließen kann. Bitte sprechen Sie hier vorerst mit Ihrem Prüfer.

    Advanced Flight Systems: Für entsprechende Verbindungskabel wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Avioniker.

    Vans RV7a flying D-EMRV

  6. #6
    Hello AFS Team and other readers,

    I installed the TRX-1500A demo box to verify if it sends FLARM and ADS-B data to the GNS-430W and The AF-4500.
    The good news is that displaying traffic data on the GNS-430W via the ARINC port works fine!
    Name:  IMG_0069.jpg
Views: 4840
Size:  55.3 KB

    The questions, where I need some help from the AFS team, are how to get it to work on the AF-4500.

    I connected the TRX-1500A via the serial RS232 port #3 sending TIS (Garmin 330) data to port #4 to my EM-4500 and set it to TRAFFIC.
    I verified via the diagnostic tool that port#4 receives and transmits data.
    The TRX-1500A is in simulation mode and simulates traffic coming my way in various altitudes and directions.
    On the screenshot you can see that in the lower left corner TIS appears with a number showing the amount of traffic.
    Name:  IMG_0087.jpg
Views: 4019
Size:  95.7 KB
    The problem is that I cannot see the traffic symbols on the map. I tried the same with AF-4500 port #4 setting to ICARUS/TRFC with the same result.

    Here are my questions:
    1) Am I right to assume that it doesn't matter if I don't have a GPS signal as I am in the hangar? (The simulator position is LSZF where I am currently based)
    2) In the AFS manual it reads that one should connect to EFIS #2 and it should be configured to ICARUS/TRFC, is there a reason why it would#t work on port #4 like in my setup?
    3) The manual 7.4 shows a traffic demo screen which does't look like mine could someone post a screenshot of the map with traffic please?

    4) is there a way to check if the data stream coming from the TRX-1500A is correct or matches the expected one for the AFS-4500?

    Many thanks

  7. #7
    The yellow box around the TIS:4 is indicating that you are zoomed out too far, did you try zooming in close?

    If this does not fix it we will need to have you get us a data capture.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  8. #8

    I tried it today with a lower range but still couldn't see the traffic symbols.
    However when I switched the GNS430W on test screen the traffic appeared (see picture below).
    Name:  IMG_0092.jpg
Views: 3918
Size:  46.1 KB
    I don't have GPS reception in the hangar so I am not sure if an active GPS signal is required.
    I'll try in next time when I get a chance to roll the plane out.

    The issue I need help with is that I thought I'd see the traffic on both screens but I only see it on the EM where the serial port 4 is used.
    How can the traffic be displayed on both screens?


  9. #9
    This is getting exciting......

  10. #10
    It should be sending it between screens, not sure about the demo mode. Try it with a valid GPS signal and real data. We have a lot of people using the TIS data format without any problems. The Garmin 430W test page is moving the plane to Kansas.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

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