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Thread: Power FLARM Interface

  1. #11
    Hello Rob,

    the good news is that traffic is now displayed on the AF-4500, however only on the second screen where the serial port 2 is used. I also noticed that I can not exchange in the ADMIN menu the remote files. The network cable is connected. DO you have any advice what to do? is there a way to reset the network?

    Thanks and hope to see you in person again in Friedrichshafen.


  2. #12

    Remote file transfer works on non-S CPU units only. Units with the s-CPU must have the files transferred manually through Calibration Menu -> Admin Settings -> Transfer Files To/From SD Card

    I found that it's almost just as fast to configure the remote ports manually.

    Bob Leffler
    N410BL - RV10 - Flying

  3. #13
    Thanks Bob
    you are right about the files exchange. I still wonder why not the serial traffic data is synchronized to the PFD as well?

  4. #14
    We are currently checking the software, we might need to make a software change to make it work in your configuration. You have two traffic sources connected to the system and I suspect that the GTX330 on your PFD is overwriting the traffic from the FLARM on the MFD. In Europe there is no need to have the GTX330 TXD line connected to the PFD RXD line since you do not have TIS traffic. If you wired the FLARM to the PFD RXD (remove GTX330 TXD wire) it would work without a software fix.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  5. #15
    Hi Rob,
    Your new touch screen was impressive - good work! Can't wait until you have it sized to have it drop into a an AF 4500 hole.

    Did the meeting with the FLARM guy at the Aero yield any results? Are we going to be able to get a direct interface with our PowerFlarm without having to use the more limited TIS in?

  6. #16
    I bought a Powerflarm Core at the Aero.
    Now I'm searching good locations for the antennas in my Lancair.
    As the Canopy frame has carbon all around it will get a challenge. (rest of plane is glass, gear doors are carbon)
    So it looks like I have to get external antennas :-((

    I use a garmin 496 and the 4500 to display the garmin TIS signal.
    What are the correct settings. The GPS uses 9600 baud, so the flarm should be same?
    What protocol should be set in the flarm? Garmin TIS V6 or V4/5

    Lancair 390 OE-CCM
    AFS 4500EEA - AFS Pilot
    Austria / Europe

  7. #17
    Got answer from Butterly (Flarm):

    ...stellen Sie GARMIN TIS und 9600Baud ein, dann klappt es.In Kürze werden die AFS EFIS auch das NMEA Protokoll von FLARM unterstützen, dann können Sie mehr Ziele sehen als die im GARMIN Protokoll (maximal 8).
    ... Protokoll V4/5
    Last edited by madenau; 04-29-2013 at 11:44 PM.

  8. #18
    Finally my power flarm core works!
    Main problem was the location of the gps antenna of the flarm. On top of the panel next to another gps and a flarm-adsb antenna and a compass it will not work. Once the flarm-gps antenna is far from the the other antennas it works.

    Interesting when I get an undirected transponder signal, the maximum of 8 Tis signals is displayed...
    Is there anybody on the forum who has a powerflarm in use?


    Name:  Tis8.jpg
Views: 1548
Size:  22.1 KB
    Lancair 390 OE-CCM
    AFS 4500EEA - AFS Pilot
    Austria / Europe

  9. #19
    Excellent result, well done.
    If you'd care to give details of your installation I'd be happy to give you my email address by PM.

  10. #20
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Breda, The Netherlands
    I just ordered the Powerflarm core. Will keep you posted.

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