I too would really appreciate a video on the approach and miss approach procedures on the EFIS. (4500) Every time I do a practice approach ending in a missed approach, as soon as I hit suspend, the plane makes a 60* bank, heads for the hold but does not climb. Also is the autopilot/EFIS suposed to fly the published hold? I'm sure the problem is me.
on the garmin 430w at the MAP it automaticaaly goes into suspend. At this point i disengage autopilot and hand fly the missed approach procedure(climb/ turn). once the plane is stabilized i put the altitude in the EFIS that I'm climing to and the reengage the AP and take the 430 out of suspend. It will then fly the hold.
Currently the EFIS/AP is only following the missed approach from the GPS(430W/530W/GTN650). If the GPS tells the EFIS/AP to turn 60 deg to the right we are going to turn while we start the climb to the altitude bug setting. The EFIS/AP is only tracking what the GPS is telling it to do.
If the GPS is showing the rounded corners and dotted lines we should be following the gradual turn.
Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
When you press suspend on the 430W the AP horizontal follows whatever the 430W is telling it to do, the vertical goes back to the altitude bug.
Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
I agree with Don Patterson's idea. Is it possible to have an on-line simulator so one can practice using the equipment from home?
You might limit access to those that have purchased the equipment.
I agree with all the above. I'm at the point trying to learn to coordinate AFS3500s , 430w, and AFS autopilot to setup and fly approaches. So far I can make some of it work, but I feel I'm fumbling through the set up when I should be looking outside for traffic. The ILS video was a great start, but cut short for the missed approach. I'm still learning my way around the 430w which might make things easier later.
This is just going to take time to learn. Videos that show detail of the set up and execution of different approach scenarios including Radar vectors to final, missed approach, when to set Lat Nav vs Lat Arm, and using suspend on the 430w would be great. A simulator that coordinates with Garmins 430 sim would be even better but sounds complicated.
Where can the various videos that you were working on be found?