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Thread: ARINC Drawing Correction

  1. #1

    ARINC Drawing Correction

    ARINC-429 Adapter drawing# 53620WD Rev 6 has an error. It shows under the GNS-430:

    It should read
    CHNL 1: ARNAV/ei-Fuel | AVIATION

    The text in the manual and our ARINC Troubleshooting Guide are correct.
    Trevor Conroy
    Technical Support
    Advanced Flight Systems

  2. #2

    I did the change as you said but now the GNS 430 reports "not receiving input data on 232 Channel #1".
    I have the 430 connected to the GTX 330 and if I understand correctly it can only send ICARUS?
    Am I missing something?


  3. #3
    What setting do you have for serial port #1 on the 430W?

    If you have the EFIS setting ARNAV/AVIATION the EFIS is sending ARNAV/EI Fuel data to the 430W and it should be set to receive EI Fuel.

    If it is still giving you the error do the following:

    1. Verify the RS-232 wiring between the EFIS and the 430W

    2. Verify that you have current software in the EFIS.

    3. Is the EFIS displaying fuel flow data ?
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  4. #4

    My setting

    serial #1 on the 430W is CHNL 1 :Arnav/ei-fue output:Aviation (img_0007)Name:  IMG_0003.jpg
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    EFIS is set on serial Port #1 Function:AVTN/ARNAV. (img_0003)

    1. Verify the RS-232 wiring between the EFIS and the 430W: Wiring can't be an issue because if 430W is set to icarus the EFIS receives the signal.
    2. Verify that you have current software in the EFIS. Current software is S8.7.10-MV15 (Aug 20 2012) (img_0009)
    3. Is the EFIS displaying fuel flow data ? How can I check this without running the engine (plane still without wings in the workshop)

    By the way I did with the former icarus setting also the ARINC test without a problem but as you see in the image it says ARINC:NA?
    Last edited by Michael; 01-03-2013 at 01:44 PM.

  5. #5
    If you change the EFIS to AVTN/ICARUS and set the 430W to Input: ICARUS Output: AVIATION does it report an error?

    Why do you not have any setting on the 430W serial ports for your GTX330? Have you also wired 430W serial port #1 to your GTN 330?

    Have you tried it with the GTX330 removed from the tray?
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  6. #6
    The 430W receives GPS RS-232 CHNL 1 from GTX 330 RS -232 Out 1.

    Your Question: If you change the EFIS to AVTN/ICARUS and set the 430W to Input: ICARUS Output: AVIATION does it report an error?
    No it doesn't.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
    The 430W receives GPS RS-232 CHNL 1 from GTX 330 RS -232 Out 1.

    Your Question: If you change the EFIS to AVTN/ICARUS and set the 430W to Input: ICARUS Output: AVIATION does it report an error?
    No it doesn't.

    In your picture above you show the 430W Serial port #1 INPUT set to ARNAV/EI Fuel, this setting means the 430W is expecting to receive fuel flow data on serial port #1. The GTX330 knows nothing about fuel flow data, if you want the 430W to have fuel flow data you must wire it to the EFIS. If you want to have traffic from the GTX330 on the EFIS it must be wired to the EFIS. You should have the following wiring:

    EFIS Serial #1 <<->> 430W Serial #1
    EFIS Serial #2 <<->> GTX330 Serial port #1
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

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