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Thread: GPS connected to Serial Port on AF-3500sMFD?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    West Sussex, UK

    Question GPS connected to Serial Port on AF-3500sMFD?

    Hi Trevor,

    In an AF-3500EE/AF-3500sMFD setup am I correct in thinking that I can safely connect a GPS to a Serial Port on the MFD and have it function across both screens?

    Here's what I am trying to do (with some of the reasoning as to why):
    On the AF-3500EE:-
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect a Garmin 695 GPS (Primary GPS)
    - Serial Port #2 - DISABLED - Leave free (manual says it does not support connection of GPS)
    - Serial Port #3 - Connect a Garmin 296 GPS (backup off-panel GPS)
    - Serial Port #4 - Connect AF-ARINC Module to support AF-Pilot

    On the AF-3500sMFD
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect the internal GPS NMEA output from a Trutrak ADI (it's there so why not)
    - Serial Port #2 - DISABLED
    - Serial Port #3 - DISABLED
    - Serial Port #4 - DISABLED

    Grateful if you can confirm that my reading of your manual is correct.

    Just FYI, here's the current state of my panel on my dining room table.

    Name:  P1010095 25 wide..jpg
Views: 1336
Size:  28.8 KB

    Last edited by shuttle; 10-20-2010 at 10:30 AM.
    Steve Hutt

    RV-7 / AF4500-EE / AF4500-MFD / AF-Pilot AP (not yet flying)
    West Sussex, UK

  2. #2
    Looks good Steve. You may want to run another wire from one of your portable GPS units to a serial port on your second screen, just for redundancy (696 maybe)
    Trevor Conroy
    Technical Support
    Advanced Flight Systems

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    West Sussex, UK
    Thanks very much for the swift reply,

    OK, so my understanding was correct about a) MFD Serial Ports being usable and b) that Serial Port #2 cannot accept a GPS.

    I also take it that it is fine to attach the same serial device to both screens e.g. 695 on Serial #1 on EE and the same 695 on Serial #1 on MFD.
    Does this redundant connection idea work with the ARINC Module? I assume not?

    Exploring this a bit further, if the redundant ARINC Module connection does not make sense, then how about I do the following:

    On the AF-3500EE:-
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect the Garmin 695 GPS (Primary GPS)
    - Serial Port #2 - DISABLED - Leave free (manual says it does not support connection of GPS)
    - Serial Port #3 - Connect the Garmin 296 GPS (backup off-panel GPS)
    - Serial Port #4 - Connect AF-ARINC Module to support AF-Pilot

    On the AF-3500sMFD
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect the Garmin 695 GPS (Primary GPS)
    - Serial Port #2 - DISABLED
    - Serial Port #3 - Connect the Garmin 296 GPS (backup off-panel GPS)
    - Serial Port #4 - Connect the internal GPS NMEA output from a Trutrak ADI (it's there so why not)

    Now, I appreciate that the above wiring and dual screen Serial Port definition is purely for redundancy and flexibility for future configuration changes of the GPS/NAV source, i.e. even though there are six physical connections across the two screens there are only three available EFIS CDI sources which must be defined in common on both screens.

    On a similar matter, the AF-Pilot supports two ARINC inputs but only one Serial input. I only have one ARINC device (the AF-ARINC Module) to connect to the AF-Pilot but upto three Serial devices.
    I have put a DPDT switch on my panel to manage the direct serial input to the AF-Pilot to enable selection between the G296 and the G695.

    Just trying to ensure I fully understand all my configuration options and how to maximise future flexibility so really appreciate your advice.

    Steve Hutt

    RV-7 / AF4500-EE / AF4500-MFD / AF-Pilot AP (not yet flying)
    West Sussex, UK

  4. #4

    OK, so my understanding was correct about a) MFD Serial Ports being usable and b) that Serial Port #2 cannot accept a GPS.
    This isn't the case anymore. All functions are available on each of the 4 serial ports now. The new manual V7.1 reflects this change.

    Does this redundant connection idea work with the ARINC Module? I assume not?
    It does not, unless you used a switch to switch the RS-232 lines.

    Your serial configuration looks good and redundant.
    Trevor Conroy
    Technical Support
    Advanced Flight Systems

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    West Sussex, UK
    Thanks again Trevor,

    Hadn't spotted the new 7.1 manual. Now looks like this is the optimum arrangement....

    On the AF-3500EE:-
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect the Garmin 695 GPS (Primary GPS)
    - Serial Port #2 - Connect the Garmin 296 GPS (backup off-panel GPS)
    - Serial Port #3 - Connect the internal GPS NMEA output from a Trutrak ADI (it's there so why not)
    - Serial Port #4 - Connect AF-ARINC Module to support AF-Pilot
    - GPS/NAV 1 DATA SOURCE - Serial Port #1
    - GPS/NAV 2 DATA SOURCE - Serial Port #2
    - GPS/NAV 3 DATA SOURCE - Serial Port #3
    - LAT/LONG DATA SOURCE - Serial Port #1

    On the AF-3500sMFD
    - Serial Port #1 - Connect the Garmin 695 GPS (Primary GPS)
    - Serial Port #2 - Connect the Garmin 296 GPS (backup off-panel GPS)
    - Serial Port #3 - Connect the internal GPS NMEA output from a Trutrak ADI
    - Serial Port #4 - DISABLED
    - GPS/NAV 1 DATA SOURCE - ? should this be "REMOTE GPS" or "Serial Port #1"?

    On the MFD, does it work having multiple GPS/NAV x DATA SOURCE - REMOTE GPS definitions?
    There would be no reference to specific remote serial ports.

    Or, as my setup has the GPS serial port assignments matched across both screens
    should the GPS/NAV definitions on the MFD also be defined as local (on the MFD) serial ports?

    Same question applies to the LAT/LONG data source defintion on MFD.

    I think I spotted an omission in your new 7.1 manual.
    On page 61 the "13. LAT/LON Data Source" needs to have "GPS Serial Port #2" added to the list.

    Steve Hutt

    RV-7 / AF4500-EE / AF4500-MFD / AF-Pilot AP (not yet flying)
    West Sussex, UK

  6. #6
    You can configure both units to reflect the following. Might as well keep them local for redundancy. In your case, there really isn't a reason to have REMOTE xxx setup on either screen.

    -GPS/NAV 1 DATA SOURCE - Serial #1
    -GPS/NAV 2 DATA SOURCE - Serial #2
    -GPS/NAV 3 DATA SOURCE - Serial #3
    -LAT/LONG DATA SOURCE - This has been removed from new software version 7.10.19. It is automatic. The software is available under the Support tab on the website.
    Trevor Conroy
    Technical Support
    Advanced Flight Systems

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    West Sussex, UK
    Thanks very much Trevor,
    Steve Hutt

    RV-7 / AF4500-EE / AF4500-MFD / AF-Pilot AP (not yet flying)
    West Sussex, UK

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