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Thread: Some airport diagrams stuck on a very old version

  1. #1

    Some airport diagrams stuck on a very old version

    I have the Seattle Avionics maps subscription.

    On my 5800, the airport diagrams for KSJC and KPAO (possibly other airports as well) are stuck on a 2018 version of the plate. I have verified that the airport diagrams on the USB stick are current. I even reformatted the USB stick, and populated it again from scratch to make sure there are only new airport diagrams there. Despite these efforts, the 5800 still displays the old diagrams.

    Are the diagrams somehow stored on the internal storage? How can I fix this?

    Thanks for any insight.

  2. #2
    Are you referencing the proprietary Seattle Avionics airport diagrams, or the FAA airport diagram from the approach plates? Some Seattle Avionics airport diagrams have not been updated in several years. I show the SA diagrams for KSJC and KPAO have not been updated since 2016.

    If you notice that a Seattle Avionics airport diagram is critically out of date with respect to any changes made at a given airport, please email so they can update their diagrams.

    I just checked these airports and the FAA approach plates for current cycle Seattle Avionics map data definitely match the airport diagrams for the current cycle of FAA d-TPP approach plates.

    You are likely running a version of the EFIS software where only the proprietary airport diagram can be viewed from the AP DIAG button or Airport Diagram map layer select menu options. In the soon to be released v17 software, we have reworked the user interface to allow you to choose between the SA or FAA airport diagrams, for airports where an FAA diagram is also available. Earlier versions of software instead require searching through the approach plates to see if an FAA diagram is available.

  3. #3
    Ah yes, that makes complete sense, thank you.

    I just checked: the Seattle Avionics diagram for KPAO is in /ChartData/FG/US/PAO_SA_DIAGRAM.png and it's very old, 2016 as you say. KPAO was repaved and resurfaced a couple of years ago, and the taxiways were significantly changed, ie. addition of taxiways Y1, Y2 and Y3, and rows V and W. This is reflected on the FAA diagram found at /ChartData/Plates/US/09216AD.png (changed Sept 2024). I will email Seattle Avionics about that.

    Any chance to get a beta version of V17 to test?


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