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Thread: Tank 3 information on EMS-221

  1. #1

    Tank 3 information on EMS-221

    On the EMS-220 I can connect tank 3 on pin 22 and tank 4 on pin 23.
    However on the EMS-221 there is no place to connect tank 3 even if the EMS221 on the rotax 912is has almost no wires or sensors connected to it because almost all the information goes via the CAN bus.
    I want to know if there is any way to connect tank 3 on a system with an EMS-221.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    You can still do tank 3 and 4 with an EMS-221. The only thing that changes with the -221 is that pins 36 and 37 become the CAN data wires. All of the other 35 pins on the DB37 connector are, and can be used identically, between the EMS-220 and the -221

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