I see that Dynon is adding support for the Airmate aviation data that interfaces with iOS and Android (limited). Will we see that on the AFS soon?
I see that Dynon is adding support for the Airmate aviation data that interfaces with iOS and Android (limited). Will we see that on the AFS soon?
We share the iOS/Android interface so it will work on our platform as well. The aviation data is a current project to allow support for Dynon aviation data within the AF-5000 platform.
I recently added AirMate data to my Dynon Skyview HDX system and it works just fine. Does AFS support AirMate data?
Flying RV14, Building RV10
Airmate map support has been implemented in our internal development software, and will be in the next public software release for AF-5/6000.
Has there been any update on Airmate data support?
Airmate raster maps (sectionals, approach plates, etc.) are now supported as of our latest AF-5000 16.10.25 EFIS software.
Airmate vector data (airport directory, airspaces, obstacle databases) will be supported when support for all SkyView vector map data is added to AF-5/6000 software, this feature remains in development.
Hey Jonathon,
Is there any update on the Airmate vector data integration to 5600/6600 software?
SkyView vector map data, which includes the Airmate product, will be supported in AFS V17 software. The code is mostly now complete, but it is going to require significant flight testing still. We are working to have V17 software released to the public in time for Oshkosh.
V17 has gone public at last, and is posted on our website: