I'm installing a 5400T to replace my old 4500s. I had to mount a new ADAHRS (SV-AHRS-200) in the tailcone of my RV9A and that unit requires a new OAT (SV-OAT-340), which is supplied with the new ADAHARS. As others have mentioned the cable on the SV-OAT-340 sensor is 10 ft long and that's not near long enough to get from the ADAHRS in the tailcone to the 2nd or 3rd rib bay on the wing where the sensor needs to be mounted.
I realize that splicing is OK, but how is it spliced? Other posts I've seen indicated that the wiring is shielded, but it doesn't look shielded to me (I'm no expert). Can I just splice that cable longer with some plain old 22ga crimped butt connectors? Or maybe some heat-shrink/low-temp solder butt connectors? Or do I need to address shielding? Thanks for any guidance...