Excellent! I'll start the search for a serial out GPS puck I can use to feed the EFIS on serial #2, NMEA/ICARUS 9600 baud.
I'm going to show some more of my non-IFR-rated ignorance.
Some time back, I got the impression that with the 2nd, faster-update-rate GPS available to the EFIS, the display (especially pitch/roll info) would update faster and smoother. Assuming I got that right, does this actually get me anything when the 430 is legally required (IFR) to be doing the navigating? If so, is there any special trick to having the 430's old slow gps driving nav/approach, and the faster GPS helping the screen show me what I'm actually doing? Or is this simply a 'GNAV or GPS2; pick one' situation?
Again, pardon my Very Foolish Retarded questions.