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Thread: replacement red cube

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Palo Alto, CA

    replacement red cube

    My 2013 Glasair (Two Weeks to Taxi) Sportsman has a red cube fuel flow transducer connected from the Lycoming IO-390 to an AFS 5600. The fuel flow worked perfectly for >750 hours, but is now acting erratically: sometimes it reads 0 gph, sometimes 20 gph, and sometimes it's accurate. I am sure it's not the actual fuel flow because when it reads zero, the engine is still generating power! I tried removing the red cube and soaking it overnight in gun cleaner (my A&P's suggestion), to no avail.
    Do I need to buy a replacement red cube from AFS? Or is the standard part from Aircraft Spruce just fine?

  2. #2
    Many have messed with the wire connections, some successful, some not. but a lot of us (RVs) ended up replacing the red cube. At about your hours BTW. The red cube is less expensive from AFS than from ACS. And it will be tax free and to you in 2 days. Call them, IIRC the last one I got was maybe 200 or less. AFS rocks! Larry

  3. #3
    Was just going to post about this but found this post. I also have seen my fuel flow go down to zero for a few minutes now and then. Just started seeing this. I also have a TWTT Sportsman from 2008 with an IO390. Has worked great for over 1200 hrs accurately showing my fuel usage (much better than the gauges). I guess the transducer may be the culprit.
    John Kazickas
    Sands Point, NY
    Glasair Sportsman N9GZ

  4. #4
    Our RV-7 is a 2008 model with similar hours and similar malfunction. A new cube was a good fix for us.

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