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Thread: Adsb report

  1. #1

    Adsb report

    This is info received

    Last edited by rvdave; 11-30-2018 at 12:36 AM. Reason: Duplicated
    Dave Ford

  2. #2
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    What GPS is driving your transponder? Which transponder are you using? Do you have the transponder setup properly in the Transponder settings page?
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  3. #3
    Ifd540 driving transponder, sv261, mode s, aircraft Id set correctly all screens, resistor to pin 3 input. Not sure of any other settings on 540 but is set according to Quick panel instructions.
    Dave Ford

  4. #4
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    On the AF-5000 verify your GPS Settings on the Transponder setup page. You should have AVIDYNE (Avi) selected.
    On the 540 you should have ADS-B (Avi) as an RS232 output channel.

    If this is correct you may need software updates in one or both of the devices.
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  5. #5
    I had a wrong setting on setup for gps, I had afs250, changed it to avi but now I get no response from adsb website where I could check the info. My transponder shows updated, have current afs software. I will verify by setting back to afs250 to be sure that’s the only variable in case I set something unaware.
    Dave Ford

  6. #6
    Had a disconnected wiire from gps to transponder.
    Dave Ford

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