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Thread: Garmin GDL82 / AFS 5000

  1. #1

    Garmin GDL82 / AFS 5000

    Does the AFS 5000 have an audible “UAT Failure” alarm that can be activated from the GDL82?

    If it does, input and setup data, please.


    Last edited by Byron Covey; 08-17-2018 at 06:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    You would connect the devices failure annunciation to any open "Input #X" on the EFIS Main Cable. Input #1 on pin 17, #2 on 20, and #3 on 8. Then use SET -> Hold CAL -> Inputs -> and setup the pin selected for your “UAT Failure” message. Additional information can be found in the AF-5000 Manual.
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  3. #3
    Thanks. You confirmed what I thought that I understood about the alarm input.

    Is the audible message “UAT Failure” already available in a file or is it necesary to create it in some way?



  4. #4
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    The audio alert will just be the default alert beep along with the "UAT Failure", or whatever you type in, displayed on the alerts bar.
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn McGinnis View Post
    The audio alert will just be the default alert beep along with the "UAT Failure", or whatever you type in, displayed on the alerts bar.
    Thanks Shawn. That answers all my questions. (For now.��)


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