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Thread: Capacitive Tank Senders

  1. #11
    Capacitive senders are mentioned is on page 164 of the manual where users are advised
    to connect them to pins 20, 21 of the EMS. My opinion is that omitting the information
    that capacitive senders must use other pins on the SV-EMS-220 makes the documentation
    wrong. I hope for the sake of future customers that you will correct it.

    BTW, shifting my senders to pins 22 an 23 worked. Is there any chance that AD values
    calibrated on the 4500 will also work with the SV-EMS-220?

  2. #12
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    I'll make a request that the manual gets updated. I would doubt that the numbers are perfectly accurate between the two technologies recalibration is the only good way to ensure the gauges read correctly.
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  3. #13
    Page 135 of the install manual shows the correct pins for the capacitance tanks.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  4. #14
    Just to let you know I just did an upgrade from 4500s and had the exact same problem. Luckily, I found this thread, but could I suggest a few changes in the manual would really help?

    - Appendix M - "Upgrading from internal AFS internal Engine monitor board to Dynon SV-EMS-220" is blank, should refer to Page 128, "converting from AFS-EM to SV-EMS-220"
    - "Converting from AFS-EM to SV-EMS-220" on page 128, table could refer to the need to change pins 20 and 21 to 22 and 23 and make the changes in the calibration pages if you have capacitive probes.
    - The comment here about the probes doing a self-test on startup was really helpful. Even though I have had them for 14 years I had forgotten.
    - I had issues because the sensors I have are not the current ones. It would help if you referred to the need to check the sensors are all correct in the calibration pages.
    - The Dynon manual for the EMS 220 shows the function and color code for each pin. It would be useful to have that in the AFS manual.


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