Question - Does the AFS map screen show UAS Operation Area airspace?
Type: Posts; User: DickF
Question - Does the AFS map screen show UAS Operation Area airspace?
Thank you Johnathon!
Is it possible to use the AF5600 com interface with a GTN650? If so, might you have a wiring diagram or info regarding how it needs to be wired?
Is traffic filtering a feature on the AFS5600? If yes, how do I set it up? If not, please put this on the requested feature list.
I have a single screen 5600 system. Is it possible to disengage the AP function via a switch on the control stick?
I am having a similar issue with the xCruze100 (same as Vizion?) and AF5600 in my RV-6a. I have the nav working ok but when flying via the heading bug I get a wing wag. Fwiw, prior to the...
Yes, please, to all of the above.
I really like the split screen engine monitor display when an approach plate is being displayed. Thanks for doing that. Now I've found that there are times when I wish that the left side partial...
Just to close this - not sure what my issue was, but it is working now.
I have a single screen AF 5600 system running v16 and I think I found a bug. When in split screen mode, the trim indicator is not visible.
Thanks. If you need a beta tester for this let me know.
Did the "Split screen engine monitor display" request make it into the V16 software? If so, how do I activate it?
I do not have CHT or EGT sensors connected to the 5600 -(I still have them connected to an EMS D10)
As such I have the CHT and EGT instruments set as 'OFF' in the settings. However, the grid...
And thanks for the excellent step by step installation instructions! The installation was a breeze!
I saw a reference to V16 software in another thread. I’m curious - what’s new/different in the new software?
Also - any projection regarding the release date?
Is there any support for a fuel tank reminder? - ie a timer that after a preset interval reminds the pilot to switch tanks, and then automatically resets and restarts when acknowledged?
Any update re when the “new” ADSB weather might be supported on the 5600?
Hi Shawn,
Just a followup - did this make the “todo” list? If so, when might it be available?
I have a single screen AF5600T system and use a Dynon D6 as my backup. I see where the AF5600 will now interface with the Garmin G5. Have you/Dynon thought about upgrading the D6 so that it...
Bob - I have an AF5600 connected to a GTN 650 and TruTrak auto pilot. I have not yet upgraded my GTN650 to rel 6.50 but will likely do so shortly. I am interested if you found any benefit to the...
Hi Shawn,
What is the status of this? Has this been implemented? If so, how do I do it (ie temporarily turm off traffic display?)
I have a single screen AF5600 system. Accordingly I use the split screen mode almost exclusively. When displaying an approach plate I many times have to turn off the engine display so that I can...
I prefer the HSI as currently displayed. I find it very intuitive with very little eye movement/scan required. Please do not change the location.
I just noticed that the trim tab indicator is not visible when in split screen mode. Is this a bug or a design feature?
(This is on a 5600 touch screen.)
I'm curious as to the status of this request. Just this past weekend I was doing a practice approach and there was so much traffic I couldn't read key elements of the approach plate. The CB...