
Type: Posts; User: rv7charlie

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  1. Replies

    Hi Jonathon, Can we discuss the SkyFYX/EchoUAT...

    Hi Jonathon,
    Can we discuss the SkyFYX/EchoUAT issue a bit further?

    I've been feeding traffic data to my AF-4500 from a SkyFYX/Echo's serial output, with position info supplied by another device....
  2. Thanks! I'll try to do the deal.

    Thanks! I'll try to do the deal.
  3. Backward/cross compatibility questions; 5000/4000 series

    Is there any cross-compatibility between the 5000 series and 4000 series screens and/or peripherals? I've got a couple of 4500sEE (with engine monitoring) units complete with compass modules, and the...
  4. Replies


  5. Replies

    OAT wire requirement?

    The 4500 manual shows shielded 2 conductor to the OAT sensor, but the sensor has pigtails. How essential is the shield for this circuit? Will 3 22ga conductors, twisted, suffice? (owner-built...
  6. Replies

    Excellent news; many thanks for the info!

    Excellent news; many thanks for the info!
  7. Replies

    Dynon SV-GPS-250 voltage?


    I recently purchased someone's 'new old stock' AFS 4500sEEp-V, and it came with a Dynon GPS puck. No markings other than the Dynon logo, but given the age of the 4500, I'm assuming that it's...
  8. Thanks for the input. I've got all the physical...

    Thanks for the input. I've got all the physical stuff, and the wiring, done successfully. I did get position lock (plane is not yet flying) by folowing Shawn's advice on Main Talker. As I mentioned...
  9. Excellent; exactly what I need to move forward....

    Excellent; exactly what I need to move forward. Many thanks!
  10. Thanks; that would make wiring more convenient,...

    Thanks; that would make wiring more convenient, but wiring isn't the problem. I'm now wired like this:

    AHRS Port 0: Crossbow
    Serial Port 1: AVTN/ARNAV to GNS430 (non-WAAS)
    Serial Port 2:...
  11. OK, after obtaining a configurable gps receiver...

    OK, after obtaining a configurable gps receiver 'puck' (and months of distractions), I'm back with further questions.
    I've configured the 4500 as shown in Shawn's post #6, with the gps wired to...
  12. Thanks! Got it.

    Thanks! Got it.
  13. Are you talking about the autopilot ARINC source...

    Are you talking about the autopilot ARINC source select switch? If so, can you elaborate on why it's no longer needed? Is there another way to select the source? (This is for a 4500sEE.)

  14. EFIS expansion connector in Main vs ARINC drawings

    When I wired the ARINC, I obviously used the Ex. Conn. pinout shown on the ARINC drawing, with serial #4 GND to pin 5. As I prepared wiring for a spare GPS puck (needs power from the 5V terminal in...
  15. Thanks Rob; I'm beginning to get a clearer idea...

    Thanks Rob; I'm beginning to get a clearer idea of how it all works together.

  16. Excellent! I'll start the search for a serial out...

    Excellent! I'll start the search for a serial out GPS puck I can use to feed the EFIS on serial #2, NMEA/ICARUS 9600 baud.

    I'm going to show some more of my non-IFR-rated ignorance.

    Some time...
  17. That sounds great, but I currently have only one...

    That sounds great, but I currently have only one screen. If I move the Pilot serial source to EFIS port 3 (out), does that leave me any option for both the 430 and a second GPS to feed the EFIS? I...
  18. Hi Shawn, Thanks for jumping in. I'd love...

    Hi Shawn,

    Thanks for jumping in.

    I'd love to find a tutorial on the relationship (similarities, differences, co-dependencies) between serial ports and ARINC. That might help me a bit with what...
  19. I'm working on that now. I only had a few...

    I'm working on that now. I only had a few variations. At this point, I suspect that it's mostly overlooked items, instead of deviations. I'll keep you updated via email.


  20. Thanks, Larry. No joy on the factory harness;...

    Thanks, Larry. No joy on the factory harness; I've rolled my own. I think my confusion started many months ago, reading about using both the ancient 430's gps data (for IFR legality) and the...
  21. 4500sEE, ARINC, GNS430 (non-waas), GTX327, AFS Pilot wiring/configuration


    I'm working on installing the following 'new to me' equipment:
    AFS Pilot autopilot
    GNS430 (non-WAAS)
  22. Replies

    Great! Thanks for the info; major time saver for...

    Great! Thanks for the info; major time saver for me.
  23. Replies

    AF4500sEE fuel level input question

    I've got a new-to-me AF4500sEE, not yet powered up, for a new construction RV-7 with Van's standard 40-240 ohm float style fuel level senders. I have aux tanks, and want to add a transfer pump...
  24. Replies

    Sorry to dig up old threads, but trying to learn...

    Sorry to dig up old threads, but trying to learn about features/uses/etc.

    If the AFS Pilot must have ARINC to navigate, what's the gps input on pin 17 for? Just to tell the AP the compass heading...
  25. Replies

    Excellent! Thanks, Charlie



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