Dynon is starting a series of videos on the Skyview HDX. Anything planned for AFS displays?
Type: Posts; User: jkgoblue
Dynon is starting a series of videos on the Skyview HDX. Anything planned for AFS displays?
Awfully quiet around here these days. No responses to any posts from AFS.
Saw the announcement at Oshkosh about the new software. Just wondering when it will be available.
When I download log data and upload to Savvy Analysis, the first flight of the day has the date of the last flight I made days ago. Subsequent flights on that day have the correct date. I can edit...
Got it, thank you.
At the end of each flight I download the day's flight log onto a SD card that I insert. However, sometimes it doesn't make it to the card but ends up on the USB stick. Is there a setting that...
Trying to understand the attached display. I'm at 3500 ft, 19 miles out from my destination, my altitude bug is set for 3500 ft, yet my HITS box in my synthetic vision is well below me. Why is that?...
Need some help here. I'm trying to get the settings correct with my Truetrak Vizion 380 auto pilot and my 5600. I fly a Glasair Sportsman with an IO390.
My issue is that when following the heading...
Need help with tone settings. Everything seems to work fine except when I touch down and roll out, the tone is constantly blaring all the way til I turn off the runway. It becomes an issue when I'm...
If you have v16 it is available now. You can download it from the website. In the latest manual, p 55 shows you how to activate it.
I see that Garmin and others are selling a Take off/Go around button in their systems. I must admit I’m not sure what it does or how it works but is this something that Dynon or AFS might develop one...
Any news when V16 will be released?
Just came out of annual so plenty of areas to check.
So what would be the cause of this? Been running fine for years...
Wanted to see if there was anything new on this. Would love to have this feature.
That's where I was looking for it on my display but the Pitch Adj button is no longer there. Will have to go back to the plane and check again.
I'm I missing something or is the pitch adj button not on the EFIS button option page anymore? I can't find it.
And perhaps I'm doing it wrong but with my tailwheel Sportsman, I remember adjusting...
It's on page 16 of the install manual.484
Silly question but when I download a log file (.adl) the time stamp on the file is like 5 hours off. How is that time stamp generated? Everything on my plane and computer is the correct time.
Not sure what you mean. I'm downloading the flight logs off my 5600. It shows writing files to the card. I load the card into my computer. The SD card is empty. I can see the card on my computer and...
Transferred logs to my SD card like I always do after my flight. Showed writing to card, but card has no files on it. Never happen before. Any ideas?
Over the years, there has always been a bit of a delay in getting the peak displayed to when I can obviously hear the engine changing is power output. But recently, it can take up to 3-5 seconds for...
I also lost weather on 5600T. UAvionix echo. Weather shows on Foreflight no problem. Is there a software update for this?
Oops. Just realized that I was changing the K-factor on my 5600 and not my 3400. Never mind.
I had to change my “red cube” and my fuel flow is off so I need to adjust my k-factor. I’ve already had two fill ups and adjusted the k-factor each time but still not getting an accurate fuel...