since the pocketfms maps are now available for dyne and are also working for AF-5000 I was wondering if the obstacle database form pocketfms is working for the AF-5000 as well?
Type: Posts; User: Michael
since the pocketfms maps are now available for dyne and are also working for AF-5000 I was wondering if the obstacle database form pocketfms is working for the AF-5000 as well?
[QUOTE=Mounz;8287]PocketFMS Geo - Referenced Approach plates and Airport Plates can be purchased for the EasyVFR 4 app. This is especially interesting for German customers and include the so called
The backup battery fuse has been burnt. I replaced it and I will have to check if the issue is now gone.
Kind Regards
Hello Jonathon,
I uploaded a take off video on YouTube you can hear the warning going off at 50-52 KIAS.
Let me know in case you can see the video.
Thank you Jonathon. So once power is supplied and gps reception is available it would aufomatically pick up the correct Zulu time, correct?
I observed that the Zulu time on all my screens is off by5h 33min.
The plane is in the hangar and was parked there for 3 weeks without GPS reception.
The IFD440 shows the correct time.
Hi Jonathon, I still get the warnings during take off run. Das Landing Warning Override (KTS) mean that the warning should not appear below 52 knots?
Kind Regards
Hi Jonathon,
I had the speed set at 53 kts and changed it now to 52kts, not sure if that will solve it but I'll report back asap. See attached my AOA config screen.
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I read that you plan to implement the VAC from pocket FMS/EasyVFR for the AF-5000. I love my new center map screen and only need the iPad still for the VAC and airport diagrams. It be great Tor see...
Thanks Jonathon, my FLP for sure didn
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I thought I have seen somewhere a thread that offered a link to the airplane icons for the AF-5000 but I can't find it anymore.
Or does anyone have an RV-10 icon in the right format 128 x128.
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I can't recall if a glide range circle has been mentioned somewhere before but that would be good safety add on in an future software update.
I contacted Butterfly Avionics today regarding something else and asked them to send a FLARM to you Rob.
Regarding their information they sent a customers FLARM to you as the customer doesn't...
Hi Christian
I just sent a mail to Joachim as well. Let's see what his reaction will be.
Thank you for your answer Rob!
Just to be clear, I consider my AF-4500 a great system and love to fly with the EFIS an EM, that's the reason I bought the AF-3500 EFIS & EM and upgraded later to...
Servus Christian
Do you know anything more than we do regarding publishing date? I am getting a bit frustrated that the deadlines and content isn't kept. Not that it is critical but since the 5000...
Thanks Christian
however going through the release notes I don't see any great features added compared to my AF-4000 Software: Vs8.08.19 version. Especially when looking at the post further back...
AERO started today! Any update on the new software release?
What are the new features one can expect from the software update. Is there a list available?
For everyones benefit I removed the sensor and checked the wiring and it looks as if the red wire insolation was faulty which caused the erratic reading. Now newly insolation and better attached the...
Thanks Rob is there anything else I should check. I don't want to loose too much time.
Today during climb out my RPM display showed big erratic movements and then went to 0 for the rest of the flight. I returned to the field And checked visually the wiring to the sensor in the magneto...