View Full Version : No Radar, missing targets
07-25-2018, 06:57 PM
My 5600 EFIS is showing "No Radar" in the lower right corner. I display traffic and I have METAR/TAF/TFRs. I didn't see a target displayed for that Gulfstream that I shared Newhall Pass with the other day. I'm thinking that perhaps I am not getting TIS-B service and all the targets I see are direct broadcast from UAT equipped aircraft. I have a UAT only receiver. I am using the 261 Xpdr for ADS-B out. To complicate the issue, I occasionally hear a traffic warning and see my own N number which I would think means that I am at least sometimes getting TIS-B, but don't always know to not display myself.
I asked for my PAPR which came back clean except for yellow blocks at NACv. I'm showing 4.0. The gummint website says that no manufacturer has been authorized to go higher than 2.0. Got no idea what any of that means.
What does "No Radar" really mean? What do I need to do to get an "OK" displayed there? How can I tell if I am receiving TIS-B?
Ed Holyoke
07-27-2018, 10:30 AM
Ed, having gone through some of the same issues, I can answer several of your questions.
As I understand it, no radar means that the EFIS can’t find your N# in the data stream. Most likely because you’re not receiving any adsb in data.
You didn’t mention the device you are using from ADSB. If you have one of the original Dynon 472s, give Dynon support a call. They’ve recently came out with a new version that may fix some of the issues you are experiencing.
07-27-2018, 02:03 PM
Howdy Bob,
Looking for own ship N number in the data stream makes some sense. Then, I assume, the EFIS is supposed to scrub own ship out of what it displays, though it doesn't always seem to. I sometimes get an audible traffic warning and see my N number displayed.
I'm using the 470, UAT (978) only ADS-B in device. I'm getting lots of in data as shown on my "about, wx" page including, so it says, TIS-B targets. Having traffic displayed is great. It points out where to look. I just don't know that I'm getting all the traffic that should show. I'd have thunk it would have displayed the Gulfstream as he was surely showing on ATC radar. He was about 7 miles out on the ILS. No way I'd see him without the TIS-B though. Even if he is ADS-B out equipped, he'd be on the 1090 frequency. Still have to keep your eyes outside. Don't want to become so dependent on the display that you forget to look.
07-30-2018, 02:07 PM
OK, I set the xpdr to ADS-B in = UAT only. I also enabled TIS. I got "OK" on the display. I showed ADS-B and TIS-B targets. That is all good. I did a PAPR and failed NIC. That might have been because I descended below coverage when I stopped for fuel at Santa Paula. I'll do another report in the next few days. NACv is still high. Dynon support informs me that an update for the SV-GPS 2020 is in the works to set that correctly.
06-04-2019, 04:44 PM
I too would like a clarification of what "No Radar" means. The manual says:
"ADS-B system is reporting that it does not know about radar traffic targets, or that it is
not receiving information from any ADS-B ground station (in this case, you may still see aircraft that
are equipped with 978 MHz ADS-B out devices via the ADS-B receiver). Although you are receiving
ADS-B traffic from other ADS-B equipped aircraft, you are not receiving all detectable traffic because
you are not currently in a radar service volume and ADS-B service volume. Thus, the traffic portrait
may be incomplete. "
My receiver is an AFS ADS-B Dual Band Traffic and Weather Receiver (US only) 74113.
I am seeing some traffic and ADS-B weather, so my assumption is that the receiver is working, I am in a radar service volume and ADS-B service volume (Class C airspace).
Why am I seeing "No Radar" please?
06-05-2019, 11:01 AM
I too would like a clarification of what "No Radar" means. The manual says:
"ADS-B system is reporting that it does not know about radar traffic targets, or that it is
not receiving information from any ADS-B ground station (in this case, you may still see aircraft that
are equipped with 978 MHz ADS-B out devices via the ADS-B receiver). Although you are receiving
ADS-B traffic from other ADS-B equipped aircraft, you are not receiving all detectable traffic because
you are not currently in a radar service volume and ADS-B service volume. Thus, the traffic portrait
may be incomplete. "
My receiver is an AFS ADS-B Dual Band Traffic and Weather Receiver (US only) 74113.
I am seeing some traffic and ADS-B weather, so my assumption is that the receiver is working, I am in a radar service volume and ADS-B service volume (Class C airspace).
Why am I seeing "No Radar" please?
Typically, its that your aren't within line of sight of an ADSB tower, which can vary greatly by locale. In my area, I usually have to climb to about 3k to pick up the ADSB feed from the FAA and then that message will go away. You should be getting ADSB peer to peer traffic from other aircraft regardless of the RADAR status.
06-06-2019, 06:10 PM
I do appreciate your input Bob. I can’t help thinking I must have ADSB from a tower if I am at 3000 ft in class C airspace and I think the fact that I have weather confirms this?
This “No radar” message seems to be constant throughout all my flights, but I will check again.
Could the “No radar” message be due to not receiving TIS traffic from my own transponder?
06-12-2019, 08:15 AM
Radar but No weather ---- I get traffic fine, but no weather display --- 5600T, uavionix --- displays fine on my iFly 740 and iPad running WingX or FlyQ ---- I changed the display from hard-wire to WiFi, still no weather display although screens shows regional and conus times (3minutes to 9 minutes)---- latest software installed. Been flying the area last couple of days with cells all around ---just not showing on the AFS
07-06-2019, 07:54 AM
UPDATE -- Ken sent me some new software - I installed it, and today flew toward a line of thunderstorms ---- Nexrad displayed for about 30 seconds, disappeared for about a minute, or so, then came back loud and clear! Regional and Conus were both showing about 3 minutes ------ looks like everything is well! --- will report back if anything changes ----- lots of weather, this time of the year, in Florida!
OOPS -- spoke too soon --- next time, NEXRAD appeared for about 30 seconds, disappeared, and would not come back --- sent log files to Rob and he is working on it!
Tried again yesterday and after about 15 minutes, CONUS started showing and weather appeared ---
11-15-2019, 06:10 PM
Any update on seeing own ship as traffic? I’m getting that constantly and it’s super distracting. I also get some traffic, weather including radar but it says no radar.
Shawn McGinnis
11-19-2019, 01:49 PM
Any update on seeing own ship as traffic?
Have you verified your ADS-B out by requesting a PAPR?
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