- AFS Approach Plate Instructions
- Master Relay & Starter Relay Protection Diodes
- AOA Parts
- Two Audio outputs in a dual screen system? What about two warning lights?
- OAT/Magnetometers
- Sharing RS-232 lines
- AF 3400MFD Dimensions
- Generic input alarms with timeouts
- EFIS Serial Ground Connections
- ARINC Module Pin 14
- Garmin 696 Connection
- Aux Temp Inputs
- Bench Test of Equipment
- Copying engine files between 2 units
- Ray Allen POS-12
- Serial Port 3 External AHRS
- Any way to sync Dynon D6 baro setting to AFS baro setting?
- splitting OAT output for backup altimeter
- ARINC 429 Pins
- ZAON implementation
- EFIS Shielded Ground
- AF-4500 Tray Mount Chamfer Length
- Noise from EFIS in Headset
- OAT probe ins
- 4500 Schematic in Manual
- Ethernet hub help
- mounting Cisco / Linksys SD 205
- AFS 3500 rpm drift
- ARINC Source Switch - Still needed/Benefits?
- Aux battery voltage
- Weight & balance aircraft images
- DB9 on EM; OAT input connector
- Undocumented Black wire on EFIS Connector
- SL-40 Serial Connection
- finishing the setup on my 3500
- Manual Corrections - 430 Channel 1 RS-232 Settings
- Output alarm
- 3500EM RPM wiring with dual Lightspeeds
- AOA Flap Position Switch
- AF4500 Serial Port 3
- IFR dual 4500 installation
- AOA and Flap Position sensor
- GPS connected to Serial Port on AF-3500sMFD?
- Fuel Tank Calibration
- Garmin 480 Install
- Two EFIS's one OAT probe?
- Switched Inputs on dual 4500s and single Alarm light
- WX Worx data test
- Trim and Flap Senor Reading Problem - HELP!
- dual ahrs, three efis-how many airspeed and aoa connectors
- Fuel data to GNS430W
- Flaps Position Sensing
- GTN-650 Install
- Amps & Volts from VP-X
- Shunt Question
- EFIS and AF-Pilot Pitot Static Connections
- Pins 9 and 21 (serial grounds)
- Ethernet Hub
- EFIS main cable pins 8,17,20
- Byonics GPS puck on AFS EFIS
- Princeton fuel converters
- Magnetometer Wire Length and Location
- Default boot-up page
- Cable Harness Question
- Serial Port Documentation
- Check List - number of items in a list
- Serial port choices
- Magnetometer installation & location
- Interfacing to TT Digiflight II Autopilot
- Connecting a 5600 to a GTN650
- GPS 18x 5HZ Power source
- Remote AHRS Orientation Impact
- remote screen change?
- OAT / Magnetometer Wire gauge?
- Flight Data Systems
- EFIS Expansion connector
- arinc adapter
- ARINC module wiring information
- Amp Sensor
- 4500 integration
- ZAON XRX input with all 4 serial ports already used on AFS5600.
- Tripping circuit breaker on main efis power
- Gns 480 arinc
- Power off
- ARINC to Serial 1?
- Manifold Pressure AN471-4D Assembly
- VDO 360-001 oil pressure sender
- GPS Questions
- Different GPS questions
- Could only get one Magnetometer to align plus two other questions
- Chassis Ground
- What's the correct setup for this 4500s and 3400s and why doesn't synth vision work?
- ARINC 429 Cable pin 9 (Serial #1 GRD) - connects to ? (7.4 manual self contradiction)
- Back-up Battery Charging Source
- Manifold pressure transducer
- EFIS pins 11,12,23,24 Serial port 0?
- ARINC In/Out Wiring
- Current shunt
- OAT value error
- Dual 5800 and SV-XPNDR-261 serial ports
- Light Speed RPM Connections
- Mounting 5600 to Aerosport panel
- Oat probe connections
- Black screen on install test (but LED's!)
- Serial ports
- AOA switch
- Timer display and SL30 COM on the 5600
- Ethernet connections
- Expansion cable connection
- Expansion cable connection
- Shunt amps
- GTN 650 RS -232 settings for AF TXP 261 and AF ADS-B
- ARINC Wiring
- Shunt installation question
- Usb ports
- RV-10 AHRS location?
- Verify pin-out
- Newbie info request
- Adsb to efis connections
- Afs comm no squelch control
- Pressure alt to GTX327
- Gps, arinc wiring
- Adsb loop back test
- Checking VAL Nav
- Efis turns off
- 4500 engine sensor harness
- EFIS and TCWTECH battery
- AOA Installation - Flaps switch.
- ARINC necessary ?
- GPS-250 and OAT - Advanced Deck 5600
- Serial port assignments
- IFD540 configuration details
- AFS Transponder 74109 setup
- AFS 5600 and Non-listed transponder
- Momentary switches
- Swinging magnetometers
- Flaps and Elevator trim positions sensor connections to AFS.
- USB Extension Cable
- EGT/CHT calibration
- Tank calibration
- Network failing between units
- Serial Port Setup
- Capacitive Tank Senders
- Serial ports again...
- EarthX Battery Monitor
- Connecting AFS 5600 with Garmin Aera 660
- Dynon radio setup
- Garmin GPS 175 install
- PDA360EX-R and AFS5600 (non-touch)
- AF-5600 near complete, now need some trouble shooting guadence.
- Installation Planning Questions
- Altimeter adjustment
- Dynon SV-GPS-250 voltage?
- splicing OAT sensor SV-OAT-340?
- AG6 annunciator and 5400T -- interface?
- USB charging port options
- Ethernet lost between units
- EarthX Temperature
- Cabin Light ECB?
- PDA360EX-R remote audio panel & monitoring standby COM frequency
- AOA on SuperStol
- Magnetometer location
- Tosten Stick Wiring.
- Magnetometer Question